BOYD Steamship Corporation is the oldest and largest ships’ agency at the Panama Canal. Founded by William Y. Boyd, who was later joined by his brother, Robert J. Boyd, and General George W. Goethals, the famed builder of the Panama Canal. Goethals was an active partner in the company until his retirement in 1926. In 1919, in the city of Colon, the Boyds opened the first bonded warehouse, precursor of the now flourishing and internationally famous Colon Free Zone.
During this period, the Boyd Corporation operated a fleet of ships transporting cargoes throughout the Caribbean and down the coast of South America.
During the Second World War, they operated some 40 oil tankers out of the Port of Balboa. Throughout the period, the Boyd organization continued their business as agents for vessels transiting the Panama Canal.
Long considered the premier ships’ agency at the Panama Canal, BOYD Steamship Corporation provides their clients with the most up-to-date information about Canal conditions, expedites ships transits by virtue of having an experienced staff on duty 24 hours per day, renders final invoices within 15 days of a vessel’s sailing plus many other services that a ship owner or operator may require.